
It's All About Jesus!

As the keyboard player of the worship team for a Jr. High retreat, I had no idea that God was going to change my view on life like He did...

The chapel rang with blaring music and shook as Jr. Highers jumped and danced for Jesus. While I was on stage behind the keyboard, I watched a 12-year-old girl stretch her hand to heaven with eyes sealed shut. Another boy knelt to the ground as he sang. As I witnessed hearts unashamedly surrender themselves to Jesus, I choked back tears. These Jr. Highers were getting it -- what life is all about.

Late on Saturday night, we had a session packed with acoustic songs, the Gospel message, and a convicting challenge for the believers. Aeric, one of the speakers, encouraged the Christian teens to make their life all about Jesus. As he spoke, tears filled my eyes. "Philippians 1:21, 'For to me, to live is Christ...' Life is all about Jesus," he said. "We are all about Jesus! If we go to school and it isn't about Jesus, then we are doing something wrong. If we go to church every Sunday, but it isn't about Jesus, then something is wrong. If we sing these songs and it isn't about Jesus, then it's wrong. Everything is about Jesus!"

He went on to tell a story, "In the beginning of the Bible, God created the world. On the sixth day, He knelt into the dirt to make man, knowing full well that later He would have to die for that dirt. Knowing that death awaited Him, He made us anyway." What Aeric pointed out in His story struck me hard. A holy King died for dirt! Jesus bought us at a price far greater than what we're worth.

The students weren't the only ones challenged to make everything about Jesus. I was too. How is any of this life about us, when we are but dirt compared to God's majesty and holiness? And how can we respond in any other way but to give Him everything, when He has given everything to us? Jesus takes my breath away!

As the tournament season approaches, my prayer and challenge to you is make everything about Jesus! Even if your rounds are rough and you forget a few lines, even if you only get "5th and below", even if you go home without a qualifying spot or metal, keep in mind and live out... It's ALL about Jesus!

"For to me, to live is Christ..."

Remember... "If it's not about Jesus, then you're doing it wrong."

2 notes:

CT on 22.1.09 said...

Good Word Les!
So explain to me what this blog is about...I just found my name listed as a blog writer here, and I had no idea that it even existed.

Do you want me to write on this Or?


Anonymous said...

Great post. So often right before I present a card and all I can think of is "I hope I don't mess up, stutter, or embarrass myself..." Its important to remember that "it's all about Jesus!" Thanks for the challenge. Reading that sure convicted me...


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