
How to Write a Card

(Thanks to Sono Harris and Gini Winslow for some of their tips.)

Research and study the topic. (i.e. Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology, Bible)
  • Bookmark or make note of the key quotes and verses that apply.
2. Find or write out a definition or formulate a thesis statement (depending on the topic).
  • A thesis statement is simply a sentence or two summing up your opinion of the topic.
3. Decide what you want to say and how you want to say it. You can't say everything in 6 minutes, so choose what you consider the 2-3 key points.

4. Go back to selected quotes and scriptures, choosing the ones that best support your points.
  • Scriptures and quotes help you say what you're trying to say with more authority.
5. Outline your card. (According to NCFCA rules, card size must be 3x5" to 4x6")

Example Card:

Definition or Thesis
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3
Re-road map

0 notes:


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